At times we may recommend that a parent/carer and child are seen together, as part of a parent-child psychotherapy intervention.
Parent child psychotherapy is a play-based intervention that aims to address the child’s emotional needs through strengthening the parent-child relationship. This may be particularly helpful for younger children and parents or carers, whose attachment may be less secure for a number of reasons. Some parents or carers may feel that the bond to their child has always been difficult, whereas others might feel that the relationship with their child is currently under strain due to the onset of a particular developmental phase or other external circumstances, such as bereavement or trauma.
Parent child psychotherapy aims to support the parents or carers’ understanding of their child’s feelings and behaviour, and to promote new ways of relating. This intervention can bring positive changes in both the child and the parent or carer, by facilitating greater parental confidence and sensitivity to the child’s communications.
Through carefully observing the child’s communications and ways of relating and discussing them with the parent or carer, the parent-child psychotherapist works in partnership with both parent/carer and child, building together a deeper understanding of the difficulties experienced and promoting safer and stronger attachment relationships.